
Monday, May 14, 2012

Dusty Hunting Haul!

I'm addicted.

To dusty hunting, that is.  For those of you who don't know, dusty hunting is where you go into nail salons in search of discontinued (and most often holographic) nail polishes.  Some of them have been there so long they're covered in dust, hence "dusty hunting."

Yesterday after work, I begged my sister to let me stop in just one nail salon by our house (there's about 9 within five minutes of our house, 4 of which actually sell nail polish).  We walked in to a full salon, and the lady impatiently pointed me toward the rack of polish after I asked her if she sold any.  I immediately spotted a silver cap (which almost always means holo) and grabbed a China Glaze TMI (from the OMG collection).  Satisfied with just that, I walked up to the counter.  Then, I noticed the counter was stuffed with OPIs.  I asked to see a random one with a silver cap, and I saw it was an OPI Designer Series in Signature!  I paid $8 each ($16 total) for the polishes, and even though that's sort of expensive for dusty hunting, I was beyond happy.  The Designer Series sold for $15 retail when they were still available, and they go for so much more on eBay (same with the OMG collection).

Enough talk!  Pictures! (click on them for larger versions)

 The bottle shots <3

 TMI might've been used once or twice, but I don't care at all!  Hahaha the bottle was full

 LOOK AT THE RAINBOWS. The second picture is blurrier, but it shows more rainbow :)

 TMI is one of the less-holographic of the OMG Collection, but it's still a gorgeous color!  

China Glaze on the left, OPI on the right.  TMI is more holo in real life, but it's not bam-in-you-face like DS Signature is.

Conclusion: I love dusty hunting.  And this was just one salon, mind you!  I'll be entering a lot more salons in the pursuit of the OMG collection and now the Designer Series!

Thanks for reading! <3


  1. I actually went dust hunting myself and I also paid $8 for 7 China Glaze Kaleidoscope polishes I found...which I think is a bargain!

    1. Wow!! Nice!
      The salon I went to had a lot more OPI Designer Series :D I gotta go back soon! haha
